“In this course, John will guide you through the entire process of generating leads and making money through email marketing. You’ll learn about the specific platform he uses to create thousands of email lists quickly and easily, as well as how to set up your own account on the platform. Additionally, you’ll discover how to take those cold leads and convert them into buyers, as well as how to craft high-converting emails that generate high open rates. You’ll also learn how to write compelling and engaging headlines for your email marketing campaigns, and how to earn an average of $1,000 per month with your email list. The course will also introduce you to the only email marketing service you need to use, which allows you to send out unlimited emails to as many lists as you want without any limitations or monthly payments. Plus, you’ll get 7-figure marketers’ recommendations for getting your emails delivered to your subscribers’ inboxes, as well as reliable autoresponder services used by top marketers for their email marketing campaigns. The course also includes essential tips for succeeding and earning in the world of email marketing, and much more!”

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