Introduction to “Xisui Jing”
“Xisui Jing” is a classic book on internal power cultivation, which is said to be written by Bodhidharma, and is known as “Yijin Jing”. Its content mainly involves the methods of internal Qigong and martial arts cultivation, aiming to achieve the purpose of strengthening the body, prolonging life, and improving cultivation through cultivation.
Authenticity dispute
There has been controversy in the academic community about the authenticity of “Xisui Jing”:
Supporting the view of the true book: Some people believe that “Xisui Jing” does exist, and it is the true scripture taught by Bodhidharma in Shaolin Temple, and its cultivation method is of great value.
Suspecting the view of the fake book: Another part of people believe that “Xisui Jing” was forged by later generations, and its content is full of contradictions and lacks reliable historical records.
The main doubts include:
Historical background: In the era when Bodhidharma lived, Buddhism had not yet been introduced to the Central Plains, and the concept of internal Qigong had not yet been formed.
Content verification: The content of the scripture conflicts with Buddhist teachings, and some cultivation methods are inconsistent with modern physiological knowledge.
Lack of historical data: There is a lack of conclusive historical evidence to prove the authenticity of “Xisui Jing”.
The way of cultivation
Even if the authenticity of “Xisui Jing” is still in doubt, the cultivation method described in it still has a certain reference value. The core of Taoist cultivation is to pursue harmony between man and nature, and to achieve the state of unity of body and mind, and unity of man and nature through breathing, guiding, meditation and other methods.
The cultivation methods in “Xisui Jing” mainly include:
Breathing: Through regular breathing, mobilize the blood and qi in the body to achieve the purpose of strengthening the body and prolonging life.
Guiding: Through limb movement, guide the blood and qi in the body to dredge the meridians and improve body functions.
Meditation: Through meditation and concentration, relax the body and mind, concentrate the consciousness, and thus improve the body’s self-repair ability.
Choose a formal learning path: The practice of “Xisui Jing” involves all aspects of the body, and must be carried out under the guidance of professionals to avoid injury.
Step by step: Practicing internal strength is a step-by-step process, and you must not rush for success.
Unity of body and mind: Internal power training is not only physical exercise, but also spiritual training. Only by the unity of body and mind can better results be achieved.
As a long-standing Taoist classic, the authenticity of “Xisui Jing” remains to be verified. But regardless of its authenticity, the health-preserving methods and cultivation concepts contained in it are worth learning and learning from. When practicing, we should maintain a peaceful mind, treat traditional culture with a scientific attitude, and choose a method that suits us for practice.
Warm reminder: This article is for reference only and does not constitute any medical advice. If you need to exercise or maintain your health, please consult a professional.
Course Catalog
- 7.全网古房秘籍
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- 14.古代房中术
- 中国古代性学报告(增补版).EPUB
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- 4.秘戏图考
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- 2.中国古代房中养生秘笈(中).pdf
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